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Pet nutrition - the basics

The Pet Care Essential: Why You Need a Regular Pet Flea Treatment Subscription

Fleas, the minuscule hitchhikers that can make your pet’s life miserable, are a common nuisance that can escalate into a full-blown health concern if left unchecked. The good news is that this distress can be averted easily through a regular flea treatment subscription service.

What is a Flea Treatment Subscription?

Think of a flea treatment subscription as a continuous protective shield for your pet. This service delivers vet-approved flea treatments, personalised to your pet’s specific needs, straight to your doorstep at predetermined intervals. Be it topical treatments, oral medications, or flea collars, the idea is to maintain an unwavering defense against fleas, ensuring your pet remains comfortable, healthy, and, most importantly, flea-free.

Benefits of Subscribing to Regular Flea Treatment

Subscribing to a regular flea treatment service offers a plethora of benefits.
  • Prevents Flea Infestations: A regular flea treatment regimen disrupts the life cycle of fleas, preventing an infestation from taking hold in your home. If left unchecked, flea infestations can turn your pet’s life into a scratching spree, and you may end up needing costly professional pest control services.
  • Protect Your Pet’s Health: Fleas are not just a nuisance. They can cause serious health problems, including flea allergy dermatitis, anemia, and even the transmission of tapeworms. Regular flea treatments can play a crucial role in minimising these risks and thereby promoting your pet’s overall well-being.
  • Saves Money in the Long Run: While you might perceive a subscription service as an added expense, it is often cheaper than the cost of curing a full-blown infestation. The costs associated with treating an established flea infestation, such as repeated vet visits, various medications, and potentially home pest control services, can quickly add up. Regularly scheduled treatments can help you avoid these unexpected costs.
  • Convenient and Hassle-Free: What could be more convenient than having flea treatments regularly delivered to your home? A subscription service saves you from the stress of remembering to buy treatments, ensuring you’re always prepared to protect your pet.

How Our Subscription Works

Our flea treatment subscription service is designed to be simple and convenient. Here’s how it works in four simple steps:
  • Choose your plan: We offer a variety of plans to accommodate your pet’s needs and your budget.
  • Provide your pet’s information: We need to know your pet’s species, breed, weight, age, and any existing health conditions to personalise the treatments.
  • Review your plan: Our vets will review your plan to ensure it’s the perfect fit for your pet.
  • Start your subscription: Your customised flea treatments will be delivered straight to your doorstep on a regular schedule.
We source our vet-approved treatments from top-quality brands, providing comprehensive protection against fleas, ticks, mites, mange, and all intestinal worms. No more scratching for your beloved pet!

Here's more about our subscription service:

Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand behind our service. If you’re not satisfied, you can cancel your subscription anytime. Commitment to Pet Health: Our team of vets is always available to answer your queries and help you choose the right treatment for your pet. Convenience and Affordability: Our subscription plans are designed to be straightforward and easy on your budget. Start safeguarding your pet from pesky fleas today! Sign up for our flea treatment subscription and give your furry friend the protection they deserve.

Pet nutrition - the basics

Spotting the Uninvited: 5 Signs Your Pet Has Fleas

Has your furry pal been scratching a tad bit too much lately? Maybe it’s their way of saying, “Help! I’ve got fleas and can’t chill out!” Those tiny, bouncing nuisances can turn your pet’s playtime into an itchy dance marathon. But fear not, my fellow fur-lovers, for I’ve got the inside scoop (or scratch) on how to keep the party crashers away!

Spotting the Unwanted Party Crashers

  1. The Itchy Dance. If your pet’s moonwalking more than usual, and there’s no Billie Jean playing, you’ve got the first clue. Excessive scratching could mean an invite has been sent to the flea party!
  2. Pimple-Pop or Flea-Stop? Is your kitty or pup sporting those red bumps? They’re not trying to start a new skincare trend; they’re signaling for help against those annoying freeloaders!
  3. Black Speck Spook! Those black specks aren’t your pet’s attempt at glitter fashion. It’s flea dirt! Eww, right? It’s like leaving their business cards all over your pet.
  4. Hide and Seek Champions. Spot a tiny jumper? That’s Mr. Flea! Catch one, and, trust me, his whole family’s around. They’re the sneaky sort.
  5. 50 Shades of Gums. If your pet’s gums are looking more like twilight than dawn, it could be a sign of anemia from those blood-sucking nuisances.

Ring the Alarm

Say goodbye to those frantic trips to the vet or last-minute dashes to the pet store. Furmail is your mailbox magic for all things flea and worm protection. With a subscription that brings top-notch treatments right to your door, Furmail ensures your pet’s fur stays fabulous, not flea-filled.

Keep Those Party Crashers Off the Guest List

  • Puppy Bob or Kitty Pixie Cut: A trim can be more than just fashionable; it can be functional. Short fur = less flea hideouts!
  • Bath-time Boogie: 🛁 Make a splash and wash those pests down the drain.
  • Dress to Repel: An anti-flea collar or treatment is like giving your pet an invisible shield. Call them the superheroes of the pet world!
  • Keepin’ It Clean: Vacuum your kingdom regularly. Your castle shouldn’t be a flea fortress!
  • Lawn Wars: Your garden isn’t a flea fiesta ground. Treat it and let your pet romp around carefree.
To wrap it up, whether it’s a swing, sashay, or shimmy, let’s ensure the only moves our pets make are joyful jigs, not itchy twirls. And with Furmail by our side, consider half the battle won! Stay fabulous and fur-tastic, fur-riends!

How to choose the best flea treatment for your cat or kitten.

As responsible cat owners, ensuring the health and well-being of our feline friends is super important. One common issue that plagues our beloved pets is fleas. These tiny pests can cause significant discomfort, irritation, and even transmit diseases to our fur babies. Therefore, selecting the right flea treatment for cats and kittens is essential. 

Understanding different flea treatment options

Below are some of the most common options for flea and worm treatments. What suits your pet will depend on various factors, which I cover after this rundown. 

1: Topical Treatments Topical treatments are a popular choice among cat owners due to their convenience and effectiveness. These treatments are applied directly to the skin on the back of the cat’s neck and provide long-lasting protection against fleas. Common topical treatments include spot-on treatments and flea collars. There are a few all in one topical treatments like Broadline and Nexgard that now treat all parasites, including worms. This is a great option for cats who struggle with oral medication.

1: Oral Medications Oral medications are gaining popularity as an effective flea treatment option for cats. These medications come in the form of flavored tablets or chews, making it easier to administer to finicky felines. Oral treatments work systemically, targeting fleas from within and preventing infestations. In New Zealand, these haven’t gained much traction yet, and the efficacy is questionable at best, but for some cats, they work well and can be a convenient way to treat them.

3: Shampoos and Sprays Shampoos and sprays are useful for immediate relief and killing existing fleas on your cat’s coat. While they may not provide long-term protection, they can be used as a supplementary treatment alongside other preventive methods.

4: Flea collars Flea collars are designed to repel and kill fleas and ticks by releasing active ingredients that are gradually distributed over the cat’s coat. These collars typically contain insecticides or natural ingredients that repel fleas, providing continuous protection for several months. When choosing a flea collar, ensure it is specifically designed for cats, as some dog collars may contain ingredients that can be harmful to felines.

Key considerations for choosing the right flea treatments.

  1. Safety: The safety of your cat should always be your number one priority, when selecting a flea treatment. Look for products specifically formulated for cats and kittens, as some treatments designed for dogs can be toxic to felines. Read product labels carefully, and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns or questions.
  2. Effectiveness: Different flea treatments vary in their effectiveness. Consider the severity of the flea infestation, the level of protection required, and the treatment’s duration. Some treatments only kill adult fleas, while others also target eggs and larvae to break the flea life cycle. Choose a treatment that suits your cat’s needs and provides comprehensive protection.
  3. Age and Weight Restrictions: Pay attention to age and weight restrictions specified on the product packaging. Some flea treatments may not be suitable for young kittens or cats with specific health conditions. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult your vet if in doubt.
  4. Multi-Pest Protection: Certain flea treatments offer additional protection against ticks, mites, and other parasites. If your cat spends time outdoors or in areas where these pests are prevalent, consider a broad-spectrum treatment to safeguard against multiple threats.

When it comes to choosing the best flea treatment for your cat or kitten, prioritizing their safety, effectiveness, and overall well-being is crucial. If you need help deciding what is best for your pet, contact us today. We will be happy to help with general advice, or point you in the direction of one of our treatment plans.  

With the right flea treatment, you can protect your feline friend from these pesky parasites and ensure a comfortable and healthy life for them.

What to do if your pet gets fleas.

You've spotted some fleas... what now?

The first thing to do is to establish whether you actually have a flea infestation. 

Most flea treatments work by killing the flea once they land on and bite your pet. In most cases, there’s not an invisible shield bouncing them away. If you’re finding dead fleas on your pet, this means the treatment is working but your pet is likely visiting a high flea area and as such they are visible on the fur. If they’re alive, and there’s more than one, this can very quickly turn into an infestation in your home and you need to get on top of it. 


Check your pet and speak to your vet (or a professional) about retreating them.

Do a thorough inspection of your pet. If you find multiple fleas there are a few important things to do. Firstly, give your pet a flea bath. There is a range of products available at your local vet or pet store that can be used safely in conjunction with their usual flea treatment. then, comb out any live or dead fleas from their fur, ensuring to also get as much remaining flea dirt as possible. 

If needed, you can re-treat your pet with a chewable or spot on treatment, but ensure to speak to your vet or a veterinary professional first, as treating your pet too regularly can cause some nasty side effects like vomiting and diarrhoea. 

Treat the environment.

The problem with fleas is that once you have an infestation, they’re mighty hard to get rid of. It super important to treat the environment (your home) to ensure to remove all fleas, eggs and larvae from the area. 

Firstly, you’ll need some flea bombs from your vet or the local supermarket. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and use the right amount of bombs, as each one only treats a certain size room and underrating will result in reinfestation.

Next, strip the beds – make sure to strip all the bed sheets, couch covers, any loose blankets etc and put them in the wash. You’ll need to put your pets sleeping blankets or beds in the wash, too. Make sure you use a hot wash cycle, as this will also kill the fleas.

Lastly, vacuum. Now this isn’t any ordinary vacuum, you need to be rough with it. Flea larvae hatch due to vibrations in the carpet, so when the carpet has been treated, you want them to hatch so that they die OR get vacuumed up. It’s generally a good idea to vacuum the entire house 2-3 times to ensure to get them all, as well as ensuring to empty the vacuum bags into a sealed bag and into an outdoor trash can. 

Prevention is better than cure.

It’s always easier to keep the fleas away, rather than treating an infestation once it occurs. There’s a common misconception that we don’t need to treat our pets for fleas over the colder winter months, but this simply isn’t true. Fleas can survive in many areas outside, or on rodents, in sand or dirt or even under your house where it’s a little bit warmer. Your pets can pick these critters up anywhere and before you know it, one becomes many. 

At Furmail, we offer a range of plans for your pets, and protect from as young as six weeks of age. Contact us today to discuss the best option for your pets. 



How to tell if your cat has worms..

5 Safe and healthy tips

As a cat owner, seeing your sweet precious ball of fur not feeling their best due to worms can be devastating. Parasitic worms are a common cause of cat discomfort, and they can lead to several other health problems. Knowing how to protect your cat from worms is important part of being a pet owner.

Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms are the most common types of parasites in cats. They can cause serious problems, especially at the earliest stages of your pet’s life. Some can also pose dangerous health risks during adulthood.

Mild and Severe Symptoms of Worms to Watch Out for in Cats

Depending on the severity, internal parasites like worms can cause vomiting, stomach problems that lead to diarrhoea, loss of appetite that causes weight loss, uncomfortable bloating, skin lesions and dull coat, skin irritations, and overall poor physical health. If left untreated, worm infestations can even be fatal. Severe levels of infection could cause pneumonia, dehydration, convulsions or shock, skin infections, blindness, anaemia, or eventually death.

1. Identify the parasites that are messing with your cat’s health.

The first step to deal with any health issue is to identify the problem. What type of parasite is affecting your cat? How is the infestation affecting your cat’s everyday routine, and what symptoms is your cat suffering from? Different parasites have specific effects on your cat’s physical health. The best way to know which action to take is to contact your local veterinarian or ask an expert.


2. Choose the Right Wormer for Your Cat

There are several types of wormers that cat care experts might recommend. Worm treatment costs will depend on the kind of solution that you want for your pet. While pastes and spot-ons are the common choices for pet owners, worming tablets are preferred because of their palatability and ease of administration. 

Since cat worming tablets are small and coated in flavours that your cats will love, you shouldn’t have a hard time giving them to your pet. Choosing the right cat worming treatment shouldn’t only be about finding an effective method to get rid of these parasites; it can also be easy and comfortable.

3. Determine the Cause and How to Prevent Reinfection

To fight against these parasites and prevent the same thing from happening again in the future, make sure you determine where it started, how it happened, and what caused the infection in the first place.

Tapeworm infestation, for example, can start when your cat swallows fleas from their fur during grooming. In this case, the best way to deal with prevention is through flea control: maintain their litter box regularly and keep your home clean. Most importantly, make sure that your cat is not exposed to other infected animals.

4. Make Your Cat Feel Loved During Treatment

As mentioned earlier, while some cases of parasite infestation in cats can be asymptomatic, some cats, unfortunately, experience mild to severe symptoms. While administering the treatment, make sure your cat feels that they are loved. They’ll need all the attention and care that they can get as it can be an uncomfortable process for them.

5. Get Help from the Best Cat Worming Experts in NZ

The most important advice we have is to talk to the right people about what’s best for your fur baby. And remember, cat worming treatments don’t have to break the bank. Find experts that can balance your cat’s comfort, and the treatment’s efficacy and affordability.

If you need advice on how to worm your cat, including a demonstration or just general assistance, you can contact Furmail and our staff will be happy to help.

We’ll help you make sure that your furry friend is protected and parasite-free!

At Furmail, we’ve got the best worming for cats around. We offer worming treatments that will give you and your cat the peace of mind that you both deserve. We provide complete cat worming treatment plans, regular and on-time treatment package delivery, and online vet consultations. Our services are designed to help you fight against common cat worms, as well as other cat and dog parasites, including fleas, mites, and mange. Contact us meow!

XOX Furmail