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loyal dog with owner

5 Ways to tell if your dog has imprinted on you.

Dogs are incredibly loyal and loving companions, but sometimes it can be hard to tell if your pup has truly bonded with you. Weve all heard stories of animals imprinting on their owners, so how can you tell if your dog has imprinted on you? Here are 5 telltale signs of a strong bond between you and your pup.

1. Their eyes follow you everywhere.

One of the most obvious signs of a strong bond between you and your pup is their eyes following you wherever you go. If your dog is constantly tracking your movements and keeping an eye on you, its probably because theyve imprinted on you and feel a strong connection.

2. They love to cuddle.

Another surefire sign of a strong bond between you and your pup is if they love to cuddle with you. If your pup is constantly seeking out physical contact and snuggling up next to you, its a good sign theyve imprinted on you and see you as their source of comfort and security.

3. They get excited when you come home.

If your pup is always excited to see you when you come home, its likely because theyve imprinted on you. This is especially true if your dogs tail wags, they bark excitedly, or they run around in circles when you come home. If your dogs behaviour changes and is out of the ordinary, they seem dull or uninterested, they may be trying to tell you something

4. They listen to you more than others in the house.

Does your pup seem to understand and respond to verbal commands better than other dogs? If so, it’s likely because they’ve imprinted on you and are more likely to listen to you than other people.

5. They ALWAYS want to be near you.

Finally, if your pup is always trying to be near you, whether it’s following you around the house or sitting next to you, it’s likely because they’ve imprinted on you and want to spend as much time with you as possible.

These are just a few of the ways you can tell if your pup has imprinted on you. If you’re seeing these signs, it’s likely that you’ve got a pup who truly loves and adores you!